
Hi! Blogging is not completely new to me. I used to blog back in the xanga and myspace world if you are old enough to remember either of those (or even call them blog worthy). They were more accurately a melancholy portrayal of my crushes, popularity and life as a teenage pastors kid. I am not sure what this new blog will turn into, how often I will blog or what it will always be about, but it will be fun to see where it goes.

I read this quote off of another blog recently & find that I resonate so deeply to it…

β€œIf you haven't already gathered, or happen to be reading this blog for the first time in your life, I am a melancholy girl through and through. I find beauty in not only the beautiful things in life, but the bittersweet and sad as well. To me, there is something poignantly lovely about the human experience from its splendor to its grief. God created all our emotions, not just the happy ones, and for His good purposes. That's why a good cry can feel so good. And hitting our limits forces us to look outside ourselves for a Savior. It is in the plea, when we're at our end, that we can find that which is truly life-giving. Personally, my moments of deepest grief, deepest pain, have resulted in the most beautiful seasons in my heart. I've met God more intimately in those moments than in all the other pleasant ones combined. What isn't completely lovely about that?"

In the plea, of hitting my limits over the last several years, I found some truly life giving things and those are the things that have changed life for me, and ultimately for us. I hope to share those here: the limits and the wins. The hard things of motherhood, marriage, chronic sickness, work, and ministry but also the sweet things of motherhood, marriage, chronic sickness, work and ministry + all the little in betweens along with recipes and links along the way. Thanks for being here, my hope is that this content is a breath of fresh air and puts wind in your sails to keep going.

No one has it all together, but we do all have a story.

Here is some of mine.

Maeghan CranfordComment