Essential oils are the “lifeblood” of a plant. By definition, essential oils are the vital (and aromatic) fluids of a plant, shrub, root, herb, flower, seed or tree. They protect plants from disease and provide nutrients (just as they do for our bodies).


I am a researcher at heart and trust me when I say that I spent over half a year studying different companies before deciding on Young Living. Young Living is the world leader in essential oils. They have been harvesting and distilling oils for over 25 years, and they own their own farms and distilleries across the globe (that you can even visit). Young Living farms have never ever been touched by chemicals and they test the soil on each of their farms before purchase to ensure that it has a history free of pesticides.  Young Living ensures the purity of their oils from the planting of the seed to the sealing of the bottle. It’s called their Seed to Seal process which was a game changer for me in my research. You can read more about it here. I also love that their oils are pure, therapeutic-grade because there is nothing but the pure essence of the plant in the bottle!


E V E R Y T H I N G and for new things that we’re discovering daily. We started using them to support my health when I would get sick, but I recognized with oils that it’s in the consistency where you notice the difference. We now use them for sleep support, pain support, immune support, cleaning, energy or focus support, emotional support, on our baby….the list is endless.


We diffuse them (you get a diffuser in the starter kit!!!) for removing odors in our home mostly thanks to our black lab, for helping us relax at night, for calming our emotions during the day, or to help us focus when we are working from home. We also love to use them topically through roller bottles, creams, sprays or just about anything you want to make!


One of the most unexpected parts of this journey was finding the community that came with me simply making a purchase. When you purchase a product, you get an ‘oil family’. I didn’t know how important this decision was until after I made it, but thankfully God’s grace placed me in the most perfect, (and unbeknown to me at the time) sought after family. With your purchase, you gain access to a wealth of private facebook groups filled with knowledge and resources on anything you could ever think of or ask about. You also get me and my time at your personal reach to help walk with you. You’ll never be alone to walk this journey.

Never ever! I always recommend it because it’s the best way to make the most sustainable switch to low-tox products and get the largest percent back on your dollars. However, it’s never required. Switching out all your products for a more natural home is a hard thing to do all at once, so it’s most sustainable on your budget and mind to just take it one box at a time! There’s no fees and you can start + stop at any point.

Do I have to order monthly?