ningxia gummies.

if you’re looking for ways to get healthy, gut healing, immune boosting things in your kids, then look no further! These ingredients are proven to: support the respiratory system, support a healthy inflammation response, reduce stress, support sleep, increase antioxidants, increases anti inflammatory amino acids, increases protein and carbs in an easily digestible way, kickstart the metabolisms. All in all a great little snack that are great for the whole family and an easy way to get nutrients in your kiddos bellies in the form of something fun for them to eat! Best part, it’s only 4 ingredients! We got our mold for easter at a local michaels but you can buy molds for any occasion off amazon!

Here are links for the products we use:

Lakewood Organics Juice

Great Lakes Beef Gelatin

Young Living Ningxia

Raw Honey

home, food.Maeghan Cranford